International multimedia and performance project on the future of food
The Kunstverein Kunsthalle Hannover e.V., in cooperation with curators and institutions such as the Environmental Centre, the Wissenschaftsladen Hannover and the Pestel Institut Hannover, presents the exhibition FoodFuturesArt, which deals with the problems of future nutrition. The international exhibition and performance project will use paintings, photographs, videos, installations and performances to provide indications of the changes that need to take place in today’s eating habits in order to ensure a conscious and healthy diet in the light of climate change and in the shadow of the ever-increasing population rate in the coming decades.
The concepts and visions of international artists thematised in the artworks will serve as the basis for the nutrition workshops, artist talks and evening food events offered in the Kunsthalle and other spaces, which will not only provide a deeper insight into the problem, but also propose solutions, inspire new nutrition concepts, raise questions and provide an opportunity for discussion.
With around 20 artistic positions from Germany, Europe, Asia and Africa, the project addresses actual and future nutritional aspects under key aspects such as security, legal situations, sustainability, distribution, waste, processing, emergency reserves, synthetic production, algae and insect protein and highlights different regional framework conditions in the context of concepts such as migration, identity and cultural heritage.
In addition to the exhibition and documentation centre Kunsthalle Faust, the cooperation partner Projektraum Konnektor will become the venue for a staged shop. Workshops planned as outdoor excursions form experimental fields and laboratory situations for the realisation of participatory concepts, interaction with interested passers-by and performances in Hanover’s city centre.
A video recording (2018) by Daniel Spoerri, the founder of Eat Art, serves as a historical introduction to the topic. A table extended into a long table and chairs made from packaging leftovers from the food industry forms a versatile platform for action in the centre of the Kunsthalle Faust for performative, artistic events as well as informative and documentary events and workshops.
Participating artists:
Jelili Attiku, (Nigeria/USA), Noam Braslavsky (Germany/Israel), Adrian Cecil Demleitner (Switzerland), Romina De Novellis (Italy), Michael Dörner (Germany), Song Dong (China), Franziska Anna Faust & Norbert Meissner (Germany), Helmut Hennig (Germany) Parvez Imam (Switzerland), Leon Joskowitz (Germany), Hartmut Kiewert (Germany), Sandra Knecht (Switzerland), Maurice Maggi (Switzerland), Marie-Françoise Plissart (Belgium), Peter Puype (Belgium), Lenny Ratnasari Weichert (Indonesia), Daniel Spoerri (Switzerland), The Curiously Minded (Switzerland), Timm Ulrichs (Germany) and Sarah Zehnder (Switzerland)
Exhibition duration:
Sunday, 26 May, until Sunday, 7 July 2019
Vernissage: Saturday, 25 May 2019, 7 pm
Opening hours: Thu and Fri 4pm-8pm, Sat and Sun 2pm-6pm
Admission: 3 euros, reduced: 2 euros
Curators: Arthur Clay (Basel), Dr Norbert Nobis (Hanover) and Harro Schmidt (Hanover)
Patronage: Annalena Baerbock (MdB, The Greens)
Saturday, 25 May 2019, 4 pm
Opening of the new shop FoodFutureShop
Location: Kötnerholzweg 11, 30451 Hanover
Saturday, 25 May 2019, 7 pm
Opening of the exhibition in the Kunsthalle Faust
Snacks and performances with Prof Michael Dörner and students from the University of Social Arts, Ottersberg
Sunday, 2 June 2019, 3 pm
‘Inferno’, performance with Romina de Novellis
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Thursday, 6 June 2019, 5-6:30 pm
FoodFuturesTalk – conversations with guests from art and cuisine
Regina Frank in conversation with Thomas Köhler
Venue: Ihme Centre, Ihmeplatz 1 (1st floor), 30449 Hanover
Friday, 7 June 2019, 16:15-19:30
‘Alles is(s)t mit – Nahrung für Geist, Herz und Körper’, nutrition workshop with Regina Frank
Location: Küchengartenplatz, 30449 Hanover
Saturday, 8 June 2019, 7:30 pm
‘Vegan Verses’, food event and performance with Regina Frank
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Thursday, 13 June 2019, 5-6:30 pm
FoodFuturesTalk – conversations with guests from art and cuisine
Maurice Maggi and Sarah Zehnder in conversation with Sophia Eckermann
Venue: Ihme Centre, Ihmeplatz 1 (1st floor), 30449 Hanover
Friday, 14 June 2019, 10:15-13:30
‘Edible Hanover’, nutrition workshop with Maurice Maggi
Location: ErnHa neighbourhood Calenberger Neustadt, Königsworther Straße 20, 30167 Hanover
Friday, 14 June 2019, 16:15-19:30 hrs
‘On the trail of the healing power of nature’, medicinal plant workshop with Sarah Zehnder
Location: ErnHa neighbourhood Calenberger Neustadt, Königsworther Straße 20, 30167 Hanover
Saturday, 15 June 2019, 7 pm
‘Tavolata’, food event with Maurice Maggi
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Thursday, 20 June 2019, 5-6:30 pm
FoodFuturesTalk – conversations with guests from art and cuisine
Monika Rut in conversation with Tim Schmelzer
Venue: Ihme Centre, Ihmeplatz 1 (1st floor), 30449 Hanover
Friday, 21 June 2019, 16:15-19:30
‘Food Mapping Hannover’, food sharing workshop with Monika Rut
Location: Egons Villa, Erlenweg 2, 30419 Hanover
Saturday, 22 June 2019, 7 pm
‘FastFoodFuture’, dinner with insect burgers, prepared by Norbert Nobis
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Thursday, 27 June 2019, 5-6:30 pm
FoodFuturesTalk – conversations with guests from art and cuisine
Leon Joskowitz and Arthur Clay in conversation with Dorothea Kurtz and Philip Kosanke
Venue: Ihme Centre, Ihmeplatz 1 (1st floor), 30449 Hanover
Friday, 28 June 2019, 10:15-13:30
‘With leaves, sticks and stones: Massage Sonar’, natural sound workshop with Arthur Clay
Location: ErnHa neighbourhood Laatzen, NaturAktivPlatz, east entrance Park der Sinne, Gutenbergstraße, 30880 Laatzen
Friday, 28 June 2019, 15:15-20:30 hrs
‘Mise en place’, culinary workshop on philosophical dining with Leon Joskowitz
Location: ErnHa-Neighbourhood Burg, Lotte-Burghardt-Weg 32, 30419 Hanover
Friday, 28 June 2019, 6 pm
Vernissage: ‘Everything is nutrient’
Presentation of the workshop results from the FoodFuturesArt-Lab project week at Limmer Grammar School
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Saturday, 29 June 2019, 7 pm
‘VIP Food Event’, dinner with Leon Joskowitz
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Sunday, 30 June 2019, 4 pm
‘The End Of Meat’, documentary film by Marc Pierschel
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Thursday, 4 July 2019, 5-6:30 pm
FoodFuturesTalk – conversations with guests from art and cuisine
Parvez Imam in conversation with Norbert Nobis
Venue: Ihme Centre, Ihmeplatz 1 (1st floor), 30449 Hanover
Friday, 5 July 2019, 16:15-19:30
‘Uncovering food paths’, food researcher workshop with Parvez Imam
Location: Environmental Centre, Hausmannstraße 9-10, 30159 Hanover
Saturday, 6 July 2019, 7:30 pm
‘The Burden We Carry’, food event and performance with Parvez Imam
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Sunday, 7 July 2019, 4 pm
Finissage: ‘Universalbrot – Ein Brot für die Welt’, bread and wine tasting with Timm Ulrichs
Location: Kunsthalle Faust
Workshops Info and registration:
Dorothea Kurtz
0511/990 94 22
Food Events Info & registration:
Kunsthalle Faust
0511/213 48 60
In co-operation with:
Environmental Centre
Science Shop Hanover
ISP Eduard Pestel Institute for Systems Research e.V., Hanover
Connector. Forum for the Arts, Hanover
Faust Cultural Centre
With the kind support of:
Lower Saxony Foundation
Cultural Office of the City of Hanover
Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
HKS Ottersberg
Zirpinsects e.V., Vienna
Snack-Insects, Witzeeze
imago insects, Erlangen
WiKu KG, Arnum
Transition town Hannover e.V.
The project week of the Gymnasium Limmer is sponsored by:
City of Hanover, District Culture/Cultural Education for Children and Young People, Cultural Education Hanover
Hanover Environmental Centre