Boondocks III Hanover

Boondocks III Hanover

International multimedia and performance project

The international exhibition project Boondocks III Hanover expands on the objectives of the Boondocks predecessors and the Urban Touch exhibition. The project directs the gaze to the centre of urban society, uses media works and installations in the Kunsthalle Faust and performative and participatory actions in the urban space to reflect on its restructuring and changing values and at the same time examines the scope for action of the ‘public cause’. Boondocks III Hanover intervenes in the no man’s land between public and private territories in Hanover’s urban wilderness and at the same time provides access to new cultural territory.

Kunsthalle Faust and public space (25.08.-24.09.2017)
Works by Julia Kurek, Ewa Majchrzak, Inka Nowoitnick, Ked Olszewski, Natalia Rachowska, Alexander Steig, Remigiusz Suda and others.

Alexander Steig’s closed-circuit video installation creates a bridge between the Ihme Centre and Kunsthalle Faust by means of a hidden live circuit with surveillance tendencies, while Julia Kurek’s video radically questions the relationship between state power and the individual. In the public space, participants in a workshop organised by Ilka Theurich plan a cultural hack and install it in the urban space.

Kesselhaus Linden (25.08.-24.09.2017)
Sound installation, sound workshop and exhibition by Arthur Clay and Leonard Bullock

As part of Boondocks III Hanover, multimedia artist and composer Arthur Clay will stage the ‘Geschwittertes’ project in one of Hanover’s most unusual locations: The listed, recently renovated boiler house on the grounds of the Faust cultural centre will become the performance venue for the project inspired by Kurt Schwitters. It consists of a sound production involving young people from the region, accompanied by an exhibition of picture collages by the American artist Leonard Bullock, some of which are reminiscent of Kurt Schwitters’ working methods.

Ihme-Zentrum (21.09.-24.09.2017)
Performance week by the group Bbeyond (Sinead Breathnach Cashell, Jayne Cherry, Colm Clarke, Mary Jane Connolly, Léann Herlihy, Zara Lyness, Hugh O’Donnell and Brian Patterson). Video works by Alexander Steig and Helmut Hennig. Group, individual and open source performances

The recently privatised Ihme-Zentrum, just a few minutes’ walk from the Kunsthalle Faust, is a former office, residential and shopping centre whose infrastructure and, in particular, its 60,000 square metres of commercial and usable space, the largest vacancy in Europe, are to be recultivated and made fit for the future again through political will and accompanying measures. The group bbeyond will be using the public space in the Ihme Centre in cooperation with the Zukunftswerkstatt Ihme Centre for four days of group, individual and open source performances. The focus will be on long-duration performances, so that the public space will become a permanent joint venue for artists, passers-by and people (still) working there. The Ihme Centre itself will be publicly activated by the ‘performance floor’. Bebyond works with a seismographic feel for the existing environment and transforms the atmosphere of the location into performative actions using just a few accessories, developing dystopian and utopian scenarios.

Participating artists:
Bbeyond (Sinead Breathnach Cashell, Jayne Cherry, Colm Clarke, Mary Jane Connolly, Léann Herlihy, Zara Lyness, Hugh O’Donnell and Brian Patterson), Leonard Bullock, Arthur Clay, Helmut Hennig, Julia Kurek, Ewa Majchrzak, Inka Nowoitnick, Ked Olszewski, Christiane Oppermann, Natalia Rachowska, Alexander Steig, Remigiusz Suda and Ilka Theurich

Exhibition duration: Friday, 25 August, until Sunday, 24 September 2017

Vernissage Kesselhaus Linden: Thursday, 24 August 2017, 7 pm
– Interesting facts about the Kesselhaus (Andreas Kleine, interior designer)
– Presentation of the works (Harro Schmidt, curator)

Vernissage Kunsthalle Faust: Thursday, 24 August 2017, 8 pm
– Greeting (Veronika Olbrich, Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony)
– Project presentation (Harro Schmidt, curator)

Vernissage Ihme-Zentrum: Thursday, 21 September 2017, 5 pm, Ihmeplatz 7E
– Opening performance, Future Workshop Ihme Centre

Open Source Group performance: Sunday, 24 September 2017, 3-6 p.m., Ihmeplatz 7E

Finissage Ihme-Zentrum: Sunday, 24 September 2017, 7:30 pm, Ihmeplatz 5
– Video projections & sound (Helmut Hennig)
– Drinks and snacks

Opening hours Kunsthalle Faust/Kesselhaus Linden: Thu and Fri 6-9pm, Sat and Sun 2-7pm
Opening hours Performance Week Ihme Centre: Thu to Sun 2-6 pm
Admission: 3 euros, reduced: 2 euros

Special opening hours during the Zinnober-Kunstvolkslauf:
Friday, 1 September: 4pm – 9pm
Saturday, 2 September: 4-9 p.m.
Sunday, 3 September: 12-6 p.m.
Free admission

Public guided tours:
Sundays at 3 pm

With the friendly support of:

   LH Hannover Kulturbüro

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