Crypto-Art by Ukrainian artists
Artists from different parts of Ukraine show digitally based works in the face of current world events. With a selection of around 20 artistic positions from an NFT art scene (non-fungible tokens) already established in Ukraine, the Kunstverein Kunsthalle Hannover is providing a broad audience with insights into artistic strategies, personal statements and aesthetic concepts.
The broad spectrum of works, consisting of performative acts, generative art, VR or AR art, photography, digital graphics and collage transformed into NFTs, will be presented on monitors, as video projections and in poster format in the Kunsthalle Faust.
With a complementary panel discussion, lectures by speakers and the opportunity to bid for some of the artworks on display, the project initiates a public discourse on the mutual relationship between Ukraine, Germany and the global community on the topic of ‘Oil – Blood – Liberty’. The majority of the proceeds from NFT sales are channelled into aid for Ukraine and at the same time support the local art scene.
Curation Nikita FREEBOID, Anna Wolf, Harro Schmidt
Participating artists Irina Angles, Dmytro Dokunov, EVM ART, Nikita FREEBOID, Sasha Grebenyuk, Gydravlik, Artem Humilevskiy, Sergey Melnitchenko, Yura Miron, Oleksii Sai, Maryna Solomennykova, Iren Yakovenko and many more.
Guest Tomasz Wendland

Excerpts from works [from top to bottom]: Irina Angles ‘Storm’, Yura Miron ‘Diversity’, EVM ART ‘Fear of Chase’, Sasha Grebenyuk ‘The Whisper’, Maryna Solomennykova ‘Ukrainian Madonna’ and Iren Yakovenko
Programme for the exhibition
Documentary film by Alina Gorlova, 2020
‘ This rain will never stop ‘ takes the viewer on a visually stunning journey through the endless cycle of war and peace in humanity. The film follows 20-year-old Andriy Suleyman as he attempts to secure a sustainable future while paying the human toll of armed conflict. From the Syrian civil war to the unrest in Ukraine, Andriy’s life is defined by the seemingly eternal flow of life and death.
Date Thu 19.05.2022, 19:30 | Duration: 104 minutes
Admission €7 [A large part of the proceeds will go to the director Alina Gorlova]
Location Kunsthalle Faust
Twitter Space: CAU exhibition
Online discussion with artists
The exhibition OIL – BLOOD – LIBERTY, organised by members of the CAU and the KV Kunsthalle Hannover e.V., has been running in Hanover since 15 May 2022. We invite you to an online exchange and discussion evening with the exhibition participants Irina Angles, Iren Yakovenko, Gydravlik, Sergey Melnitchenko, Yura Miron, Nikita FREEBOID and Harro Schmidt, among others.
The event will take place via the TWITTER platform
Date Thu 26.05.2022, 19:00 | Duration: approx. 1:30 h
Language English
NFT – Non-Fungible Token
Online workshop with Anna Wolf
The workshop includes an introduction and step-by-step instructions on how to acquire and create your own NFTs, including What are NFTs and smart contracts? What blockchains are there and how do they differ? How do I set up a wallet and what do I need to bear in mind? What types of NFTs are there and how do they differ? How secure are NFTs? What are the main NFT marketplaces and how are NFTs bought and sold? How do I participate in the NFT ecosystem (Twitter and Discord)?
The event will take place via the ZOOM platform.
Dr Anna Wolf works in economic research. Her work focuses on industry research, particularly in the areas of e-commerce and digital transformation. In addition, she is intensively involved in topics related to the blockchain ecosystem (Web3, NFT art and NFT-based business models). She advises collectors, artists and public art institutions on their entry into Web3.
Date Thu 02.06.2022, 18:00 | Duration: 1:30 h
Cost 10 € [All proceeds go entirely to the Ukrainian NGO ART optimists]
Notes No prior knowledge of cryptocurrencies and NFTs necessary.
About economic dependencies
and moral responsibility
Panel discussion as part of the exhibition
Russia’s war in Ukraine is a human catastrophe in the centre of Europe. At the same time, the Russian invasion of its neighbouring state also marks a turning point for Germany in economic and geopolitical terms. As part of our exhibition OIL – BLOOD – LIBERTY, we would like to discuss economic dependencies and their social consequences as well as the moral responsibility of political decisions with you.
Nataliya Butych, Member of the Board of the Ukrainian Association in Lower Saxony, Hanover
Gerald Heere (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary group and Parliamentary Secretary in the Lower Saxony state parliament, Hanover
Friederike Otto, art and cultural scientist, author, Hanover
Prof. Dr Jens Rieger, Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Conflict Research at the International University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hanover
Date Fri 03.06.2022, 18:00 | Duration: 1:30 h
Place Kunsthalle Faust
Admission is free.
Exhibition period 15.05. – 12.06.2022
Opening hours Thu + Fri 16:00 – 20:00 / Sat + Sun 14:00 – 18:00
Not open on Saturday 28 May due to the punk rock festival Punk In Drublic!
Guided tours every Sunday at 3 pm
Location Kunsthalle Faust, Zur Bettfederfabrik 3, 30451 Hanover
Admission 5 € / 3 € (reduced)
Please protect yourselves and our staff. Wear masks when it’s tight.
Be considerate and have a great evening!
Organiser: Location:

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With kind support from